Sell locally. Reach nationally.

Take full advantage of AZ Property Match’s national reach and get access to home buyers looking to move to your market.


Connect with active buyers

Be the agent who skips the chase and connects live with active buyers from Arizona's largest online real estate networks. Gain access to powerful tools that streamline your closing process for maximum efficiency.

Client management tools

Each home-buying journey is unique, and Advantage Agent gives data-driven, dream-fulfilling agents the insights and advertising resources to exceed clients’ expectations at every step.


Become a buyer’s go-to agent

No matter where a buyer explores within our extensive network of sites, you'll remain their main point of contact, just a tap away, ensuring seamless accessibility at all times.


Stay ahead with buyer insights

The agent advantage platform makes it easier to be a mind-reading agent. Your clients can opt in to share the homes they are viewing, saving and searching for on our network of sites.


Customizable features

Stay ahead of the game and keep your pipeline flowing smoothly with our streamlined tasks, reminders, custom notes, and mobile notifications designed specifically for agents who are always on the go. Never miss a beat and stay fully engaged, no matter where your work takes you.


Track your performance

Monitor your performance and manage leads effectively with our performance insight and lead management portal. Gain valuable client feedback, access conversion metrics, and uncover strategies to help you exceed your business goals.

The best decision I made for my real estate career! Agent Advantage has given me a competitive edge and a constant stream of quality leads.
Jeffery Smith
Agent Advantage

Find answers to common queries about our lead generation program and learn how it can revolutionize your business.

The agent advantage Program is a cutting-edge lead generation service offered by AZ Property Match. It connects real estate agents with high-quality leads actively seeking to buy or sell properties, helping agents boost their business and achieve remarkable success.

Agent advantage stands out for its precision targeting and personalized approach. Our program uses data-driven insights to provide highly relevant leads, tailored to match your individual strengths and business goals.

Yes, agent advantage caters to both new and experienced agents. It levels the playing field by providing new agents with a consistent stream of quality leads, helping them kickstart their real estate careers with confidence.

Agent advantage utilizes advanced algorithms and data analysis to identify leads that match each agent’s expertise and location. These verified leads are then delivered to agents, allowing them to connect with potential clients who are genuinely interested in real estate services.

Lead quality is our top priority. Our team employs a multi-step verification process to ensure that each lead is genuine and actively interested in purchasing property.

Getting started is simple! Reach out to our team at AZ Property Match, and we’ll guide you through the onboarding process. Customize your lead preferences, and soon you’ll be receiving a steady flow of high-converting leads to fuel your real estate success.

Start Growing Your Business Today

Expand Your Network with Premium Connections